Upholding Ethics and Integrity: Our Commitment to Transparency and Accountability

Ethics and integrity are the cornerstones of our mission. Our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of conduct informs every decision we make and every action we take. We strive to create a culture where transparency, responsibility, and fairness are paramount, ensuring that we not only meet but exceed the expectations of those we serve.

Business Conduct and Ethics

Vecima Networks is committed to high standards of ethical, moral, and legal business conduct. This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics has been adopted to help the Corporation’s personnel meet these standards. All directors, officers, and employees of the Corporation and its subsidiaries must conduct themselves in accordance with this Code. Adherence to this Code is critical to our success and inspires trust and confidence on the part of our employees, customers, shareholders, the public, and other stakeholders. In this Code, references to the Corporation include the Corporation’s subsidiaries, unless the context requires otherwise.

Business Conduct and Ethics Policy

Insider Trading Policy

Whistleblower Policy

Vecima is committed to providing a workplace conducive to open discussion of the Corporation’s business practices and is committed to complying with the laws and regulations to which the Corporation is subject, as well as the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and all policies. Each director, officer, and employee has a responsibility to promptly report any suspected misconduct, illegal activities or fraud, including any questionable accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, or other violations of federal, provincial and state laws, rules or regulations.

Whistleblower Policy

Corporate Disclosure Policy

In accordance with this policy’s provisions, any other third party, such as vendors, consumers, shareholders, or competitors, may also submit in good faith a report of Misconduct pursuant to the procedures provided in this policy.

To facilitate the reporting of Misconduct, the Corporate Secretary, in conjunction with the Audit Committee, has established procedures for: (i) the confidential, anonymous submission of reports of Misconduct by directors, officers, and employees; and (ii) the receipt, retention, and treatment of such reports.